About Me


I’m Jason Foley, a passionate nature photographer based in Ontario Canada.

I absolutely love photography. My journey began 18 years ago with the purchase of my first digital camera, an Olympus C-740 Ultra Zoom. On weekends I could be found at Pearson International Airport along with other aviation enthusiasts, capturing images of planes taking off and landing while listening in on Air Traffic Control. That passion for aviation took me to the skies where I built up some time on a Cessna 172.


Several years later my wife and I took ownership of a trailer in the beautiful Kawartha Lakes region, and this is when I purchased my first DSLR. With so much to explore in my wonderful new surroundings, my photography interests shifted to landscape and astrophotography. I spent many late nights under star filled skies experimenting with long exposures or capturing dozens of images of the moon for large focus stacks.


In more recent years I’ve become completely obsessed with macro photography, capturing images of a fascinating miniature world that we can’t see with the naked eye. Through it all, I’ve grown to value the experience more than anything else. These days I can be found walking near a marsh or in a forest, slowing down and taking time to admire the birds above me, the insects below me and all that is around me.

I sincerely hope you enjoy my photos as much as I’ve enjoyed taking them.